Looking for help?

We’ve got you covered!


Are you looking for an expert to review your CV? 

Do you need help with preparing for an interview?

Would you like to speak to someone about your career?


Check out our coaching services below!


Illustration-What we do

Coaching Services

All prices quoted in SGD


CV Review


  • Receive Melior’s CV Glow-Up Guide
  • Work through the guide and send us your updated CV
  • We will review your CV and come back with a list of changes and improvements

CV glow-up session

$100 – 30 minute coaching call

  • Receive our CV Glow-Up Guide
  • Work through the guide and send us your updated CV
  • 30 minute call to review your CV and discuss changes / improvements
Icon-In house

cv review and coaching session

$200 – CV Review + 45 minute coaching call

  • Receive our CV Glow-Up Guide
  • Send us your updated CV to review ahead of the call
  • 45 minute coaching call to review your CV, practice interview techniques and discuss your career goals

Need help with something else?

We’d love to speak with you

Illustration-Get in touch

Please reach out to us using the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly!

Or you can email us directly at [email protected]